
AirPark offers a simple solution for co-ops to manage parking spaces, issue permits, and enforce fines and makes it easy for residents to share parking spaces within the association.

The simple solution for co-ops

Parking permits

With AirPark, co-ops can easily manage and issue parking permits through our portal, which is naturally connected to the AirPark app for residents. This makes it easy for associations to keep track of parking and simplifies the process for residents to apply for parking permits.


With the AirPark app, it is easy to issue parking tickets if parking spaces are misused. Associations can easily keep track of parking and ensure that rules are followed, which helps to improve the parking situation for all residents. If the association would rather have a professional parking attendant handle this, we also integrate with the largest parking attendant companies.

Parking sharing

With the AirPark app, co-ops can allow residents to rent out their parking permits within the association - or publicly. This gives residents the opportunity to earn extra money by renting out their parking space when it is not in use, while also contributing to increasing the availability of parking spaces within the association.

What you get with AirPark

All-in-one system

Manage everything related to parking in the AirPark portal and AirPark app.


Do you have an attractive parking spot that is unused and you want to earn extra money? With AirPark, it's easy to sublet your parking spot to someone else.

Manage price and availability

With AirPark, it's easy to control when your parking spot is available and how much you want to charge for it.

AirPark Communities

Want to restrict access to your parking spots? Use AirPark Communities to control how customers can sublet and purchase parking permits.

AirPark Marketplace

With the AirPark Marketplace, you can list parking permits for sale that customers can purchase in the AirPark app.

Control fees

With the AirPark app, you can easily issue control fees if your parking spot is misused. You have the opportunity to earn extra income and ensure that the parking spots are used correctly.

AirPark Pay

With AirPark Pay, customers can easily pay their control fees. All administration is handled by AirPark, allowing you to focus on other things.

Queue management

If there are many customers who want access to a parking permit, you can easily manage the queues with AirPark.


With AirPass installed on your garage door, customers with a valid parking permit can easily open and close the door with the AirPark app. A secure solution with identification in the AirPark app and geolocation.

AirPark Rewards

Reward your parking customers with AirPark Rewards. Offer them a chance to participate in a contest or give them a discount code.


With AirPark your customers can charge their electric vehicles using the AirPark app. Together with our partner Waybler you can virtually connect any charging station to the AirPark platform.

Calculator income

You can earn about


*The number is an estimate based on average values. Of these, some should go to tax and another to fees for AirParks mediation.
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AirPass is a product from AirPark that allows co-ops and other customers using the AirPark platform to install an AirPass reader at their parking gates. This allows residents to easily access their parking spaces using the AirPark app, without having to use physical keys or cards. AirPass is a convenient and secure solution for managing access to parking spaces.
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AirPark portal
Co-ops can easily register on the AirPark portal, a website where you can manage parking permits and improve the parking situation for your residents. The registration process is simple and you can get started today. Go to the AirPark portal and register to take control of the parking in your association and simplify the daily lives of your residents.
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Download our app
The AirPark app is for you if you want to rent out your parking space or simply want to book a parking space or buy a parking permit. Download the AirPark app for iOS or Android and get started today.

I have only praise for AirPark. Everything has gone smoothly and I am impressed that we were able to implement the solution so quickly. The AirPark team has made sure that everything worked. I have been involved in many previous implementations of new technical solutions and none have been as smooth as this one. Hat off!

Robin Westerling - Head of arena customer services, Rögle

Robin Westerling

Head of arena customer services, Rögle


I currently have another parking operator. How do I switch to AirPark?
If your co-op wants to switch parking operators to AirPark, it is important to check your current agreement with your current operator. Make sure you have the ability to terminate the agreement before starting to use AirPark. We at AirPark can help you initiate a new agreement and provide you with more information about our services. Contact us at AirPark if you need help switching parking operators.
I want to use AirPark for my co-op! How do I do that?
You can register your co-op in the AirPark portal and start using AirPark right away. If you need help and guidance, feel free to contact us at AirPark and we will be happy to help!
What does it cost?
Registration on the AirPark portal is free and there is no monthly fee. However, AirPark charges a fee of 7% for parking permits issued and invoiced by AirPark. When a parking space is rented out to someone else, AirPark charges a fee of 20% of the rent. If you want to use the service for a control fee, AirPark charges 50% of the revenue. There are no other fees or costs for using AirPark.
Do I need to set up new signs?
If you have a parking operator today, there is probably the road signs you need for your parking. What may need to be changed is the phone number associated with the parking operator. If you don't have any road signs - or need to change the ones you have - you can contact us at AirPark and we will help you!

More questions?

If you want to get started with AirPark, feel free to contact us! We look forward to helping you get a good start with our service. Get in touch and we'll tell you more and help you get started.